The Aha! momentOnly Love, Romancing the TruthXJuly 6, 2022A scene about enlightenment from the novel: Romancing the Truth by Sanjay Grover “Well, I
A taste of EnlightenmentExperiencing Enlightenment, Eye for an 'I'XJuly 3, 2022An excerpt from the book by Dr. Sanjay Grover: Eye for an I – a
Experiencing EnlightenmentHome, Only LoveXJuly 3, 2022These stages of awakening to falsehood, shunning the untruth, and romancing the truth, are not
NO ‘ONE’ CAN LOVEOnly Love, PoemsXJune 3, 2022Love is a joyful celebration of another’s existence – an absolute affirmation of the worth
Conditions for Unconditional LoveOnly Love, The LoverXJune 1, 2022It is easier to unconditionally love a relative stranger, than to love a relative!Love can
Song of the RootOnly Love, PoemsXJune 1, 2022 I know I’m nothing more than a dull, dark, dusty root, That sucks the
1. On LoveOnly Love, Quotable QuotesXJune 16, 1999Love is a joyful celebration of another’s existence – an absolute affirmation of the worth
2. On EnlightenmentOnly Love, Quotable QuotesXJune 16, 1999Before enlightenment, seek like a crazed lover; After enlightenment, love crazily; What happens during the