Are You the Other Kind?

Have you just woken up to the vacuousness of the rat-race and are feeling disoriented in a world where people are rushing around with their eyes wide shut? Or have you already sought the light of the Truth of existence in scriptures and philosophies, pursued saints and gurus, but are still in the dark?

If you have struggled with the concepts of Eastern wisdom and Western logic, but are still perplexed; if you have, as the seeking stream, yearned for and merged with the ocean, but are wondering why you still feel thirsty; if you desire to rise beyond necessity into the realm of immensity, but are still feeling hollow; if you wish that each breath of your life to be as fresh as the very first one and as important as the last, but are still suffocating in the rat-race; if your heart yearns to be aflame with universal, unconditional love, but is not kindled as yet; then I am here to lead you on to what you seek.

Welcome to Romancing the Truth.

There comes a time in everyone’s life when, after all their achievements, they wonder, ‘What then?’

All his happier dreams came true –
A small old house, wife, daughter, son,
Grounds where plum and cabbage grew,
Poets and Wits about him drew;
‘What then?’ sang Plato’s ghost, ‘What then?’
(William Butler Yeats)

If you truly seek the meaning of life, the truth behind it all, and are unwilling to accept anything less than the Ultimate Truth, then this blog can help you to rationally and logically Romance the Truth without resort to any blind faith. I will be your constant companion as you progress from seeking the truth, to being the truth; as you go from the birth of the question probing the meaning of life, to death of the questioner on becoming one with existence itself; and as you evolve from the fear of mortality, to the blissful experience of immortality. You will progress from being a fragmented individual, to the blissful state of non-dualness; from living with the sense of meaninglessness in life to the state of completion and a feeling of ‘mission accomplished’ – the definitive feel that the purpose for which you have been born has been fully and finally accomplished.

After Romancing the Truth and finding the Beloved, you will rise from What Then? to triumphantly sing, What Else!

Liberated from all Attachment, Insecurity, Memory and the ego Self,
Celebrating the state of Completion, Bliss, Immortality, Non-duality,
A state without beginning, middle, or end…
What else remains to achieve?
“What else?” sang the Romancer of Truth, “What else!!”

(Sanjay Grover)

If you have not yet taken the Know Thyself Quiz, you can do so here to know how ready you are to Romance the Truth.

To meet the teacher of Romance .. CLICK HERE